Hello friends, I have been absent for some time again. Rather than drumming up some excuses, let's just jump right into it, k? In the midst of a neverending, gray and snowy winter, sometimes we need a little reminder of sunnier climes and warmer times. That's what these two recipes from The Lee Brothers Simple Fresh Southern are. Ironically, I actually made them before snowmaggedon hit Boston, but have not posted them until now (FYI, it is snowing right now outside my window!) The Lee Brothers are my idols. They went to my alma mater and have put out a great series of Southern cookbooks, showcasing the food of the South and of their fabulous hometown, and one of my favorites, Charleston. As is my practice, I have all of their cookbooks, today I will tell you a bit about their second book, and more casual than their first book, an opus of Southern Cooking - Simple Fresh Southern. The book has lots of modern, accessible recipes inspired by the South. I would describe the book as "sunny" - it makes you feel upbeat and provides delicious but not overwrought dishes. Special enough for company but easy enough to make most nights.