I read Dana Spiotta's Stone Arabia right after The American Heiress, and it was a tough transition. I can be schizophrenic with my reading preferences - I want something dark and challenging one day and something frothy and light the next. Stone Arabia was a challenge after the easy breezy American Heiress and I must say I almost threw in the towel, even though the book is short - around 250 pages. The book is about a middle aged brother and sister - Denise and Nik. Neither is successful or happy in their lives. They used to be LA rocker kids in the late 70s and early 80s- Nik in a band and Denise a sunset strip teenage groupie. Those were their glory days and they are long gone. There is not much of a story so to speak but more of an introverted look at Denise and Nik and their lives now, in their late forties, and when they were kids. I guess what I think the book is really about is how much it sucks to get older.